The first time anything reproductive ever happened in our college apart from studies is the 'Mini-Skill Club'. Thanks to our friends who came up with this amazing idea of learning and teaching new things to others. Out first day was quiet good. We kept it all amongst ourselves. Only a handful of people knew about it and less than a handful came. Ofcourse the only reason was timing problems. But still it was fun. A good way to pass your time when you have nothing at all to do!
Yesterday in our first class we made PAPER PLANES! No...not the basic one. Anyone can do that. But we made the ones that are a little more harder and one of them flies SICK! it is so smooth and goes to far. Just totally amazed.
Well in out next session we are planning to teach Photoshop. That means I hav to be ready for it! WOHOOO!!! It's my turn to be a teacher.

0 Entity's Rambled