Ever wondered why people like me, to be precise: engineers, never get paid more than those business dude? I mean aint our profession harder when compared? Aren't we the ones going totally nuts over stupid equations ever second of our life? Aren't we the ones who work so these business people get there business? But YET its not engineers with big companies or getting paid more, its the business people.
Well I never bothered thinking until yesterday when my professor, just to lighten up the mood, SCIENTIFICALLY explained us why we tend to get paid less. So here it goes...
Knowledge = Power
Time = Money
Power = Work / Time
substituting our values in the equation:
Knowledge = Work / Money
Money = Work / Knowledge
So as we can see from the equation above, money is inversely proportional to time. So people...no matter how hard you study...for the same amount of work and lesser knowledge you get paid MORE!
Entity's Rambled
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