Allright... a very very short blog.

On Monday the 20th of October, I had my very first accident. I was crossing my car at a junction to go straight at about 40 kmph (an inside road has that much speed limit) and a Merc hit my car on the passenger side with about 80 - 90 kmph. Yeah...Merc's radiator got busted and he couldn't restart the car and my car doors were almost gone. Hehe. Newayz, since it was not my fault I was given a 200 dhs fine coz acoording to the law, once you enter the junction, no matter what happens, if the other car is coming straight and breaking all the laws, still its their right and the fault comes on you! Stupid...I KNOW! Anyways, since it wasnt my fault (as i have already mentioned) he cut 200 dhs from the fine and didnt give my 4 black points (phew!). And my car will be gone for bout 15-20 days until the stupid company repairs it! ARGH!!!!


0 Entity's Rambled