Yesterday while I was cleaning the dishes, i went over the different variations and sounds of my name by different people. Well let me tell you first taht my actual name is: Hunyum Murya (Hun-Yum Mur-Ya)...allrite. And here a the variations (as pronounced) when:

A] They read my name from paper:

  • Hoonyoum
  • Onyum
  • Hunyumyumyum (some weird ass guy who thinks he is too good said that)
  • Haniyam
  • Huniyom

B] when they ask me/or hear it:

  • Muriam (where did the M come from..and where did the H go?)
  • Onion (DONT ASK!)
  • Haniya
  • Humyum

well there are more...just dont want to tell!

Ok so that was not the reason for the blog. The reason is about to come up. And the reason is GET THE SIMPLE LOGIC OF PRONOUNCING MY NAME PROPERLY WHEN YOU READ IT ATLEAST!

You dont read it as read it as hunch. Then why does my name become hoon...when it can so easily be hun...and for the second part you dont go go why not for my name you JUST say yum. And when they join together they become Hunyum.

Hearing is acceptable...its hard to catch in the first time...but it properly!

0 Entity's Rambled