Apparently there was an eartquake here in UAE that was travelling from friend in the opposite building felt it. But I didn't and neither did anyone in our house! funny eh...but thats the fact!

And if that wasn't enough, the stupid "BIG BANG" experiment is about to happen today. SHIT! Is Science gonna kill us all or what! I think its about time these scientists should slow down on their wild imaginations and let people live happily!

for those who don't know what the hell it's called the CERN Experiment. The CERN experiment in simple words:

Scientists are trying recreate conditions just after the Big Bang when the universe was born.

In a large collider which has been cooled to 271 degrees centigrade, particles will be made to collide at nearly the speed of light.

All of this will take place in a 27 kilometre long tunnel, 80 metres below the earth's surface.

The scientists are looking for a fundamental particle called Higgs Bozon. They are expecting data to be generated on particles and the radiation.

It is the most expensive experiment ever to be conducted.(
Something else to worry about...
-->While no one knows what to expect yet, some researchers have raised concerns saying that the experiment may trigger natural calamities eventually leading to the end of the world.

-->There have been concerns that the experiment could create anti-matter or black holes but scientists say they are unfounded. (
So hold on might just be at its verge of non existence! Or manybe not....

2 Entity's Rambled
  1. Spacegirl Said,

    i think it's a load of hype about the whole thing...
    r the people at CERN dickheads to perform an experiment that could swallow up the whole world???
    talk about sensationalisation and the TRP race...

    Posted on September 10, 2008 at 6:19 p.m.

  2. Emoxaph Said,

    haha...dats so true...but you never know. these mad scientists can go to any extents to prove what they think is true!

    Posted on September 16, 2008 at 5:15 p.m.