Do you those times, when tention just surrounds you and you have no clue as to what should be done now? If so, then welcome to my world. And why on this wide earth would I feel so? Hah! No idea eh...well then, allow me explain the tragic course of my life.

To begin with, I have realized the world is an awfully dreadful place to spend your whole life (I wonder when are they gonna SERIOUSLY find life on Mars!). People are not very friendly, it seems as if no one understands you, life seems to be goin down the hill, you seem to question your own existence, your life seems insignificant, you tend to think that people around expect too much from you, you study/work life is just not upto the mark, blah blah blah. And in that muddle of emotions like tention, depression, grief, stress, loneliness, withdrawal, suffering everything gets lost and the only thing you feel is suicidal. In those moments, you merely need a person who can understand you, to sit beside you and lets you shed tears on their shoulder.

But is there anyone here who you can trust, who you can feel safe with, whose shoulder you can use. Maybe there is, but what is the extent of trust on them? How much can they help you? You cant answer those questions so easily. A single answer or even a word can change the way you feel, but does it really help?
Questions that cannot be answered, people that cannot be trusted, life that doesn't get better, and emotions that cannot be portrayed. There is nothing worse that one wants in life. And, trust me, when it really happens you want nothing more that death. The beautiful eternal sleep that forever keeps you happy!

6 Entity's Rambled
  1. Unknown Said,

    nice one keep bloggin

    Posted on June 11, 2008 at 4:56 p.m.

  2. FreaKo Said,

    Step out! No.. I really ask you to step out where you can see people! What do you see?
    Everyone you see is carrying a burden or some sort of a misery on his back!
    What makes us feeble and succumb and take the "tragic course"?
    Fear of faliure!
    Fear of Sadness!
    Fear of Lonliness!

    Overcome fear and you you have overcome most of the problems of life!

    Nice post! But try to look more into the problem and see what causes it. It would be nice to discuss these!

    Cheers and keep posting! I blog too!

    Posted on June 11, 2008 at 4:59 p.m.

  3. Emoxaph Said,

    hey tryin my best to cum out of it...why i didnt discuss...coz i dont know what causes it!

    Posted on June 11, 2008 at 5:24 p.m.

  4. FreaKo Said,

    Caution: I might sound like an old chinese sage with long white beard and flowing silky white hair in a spotless white robe.

    You wouldnt know what causes your pain unless you try to look deep inside you and your surrounding world! And most probably you wouldn't find an answer in the physical world you see but you may have to look beyond that in a more philosophical manner! As far as I can see, you are a victim of fear, of what I dont know and chances are that you may probably not know too.

    And if you can find what you fear the most(may not be the most obvious), try to find the path to overcome it cause when you know what you fear the most you will know how to get the better of it and thats when you really know there is light at the end and it takes a real push from you to reach there!!

    I have been through what you are going through and I am still on the same path, but I see the light at the end of it and I am sure if I can get through this last hurdle, then my life is gonna be one hell of a party and if I fail, then that would be the end of purpose for me!

    Remember, it is out there and you know what it is! You just need to realize it!

    Posted on June 11, 2008 at 5:38 p.m.

  5. ARZ KIYA HAI Said,

    Hi. I saw your blog url on Bloggeratti.
    I think everyone goes through such a phase. You should not have suicidal thoughts. Maybe you should blog when you are sad, thats one thing that will always listen to you. What say? ;)

    Keep writing
    Do visit my blog sometime

    Posted on June 14, 2008 at 12:35 p.m.

  6. Emoxaph Said,

    @green alien:
    i know man...i need yo find the reason but i think im gonna take my time. too much other stuff on my mind

    @arz kiya hai: that is why i blog man...coz i know its gonna lsn to me ALLL da tym!

    Posted on June 18, 2008 at 12:53 p.m.