Ok...so I finally planned to write a blog (though I didnt feel like it at all).
Well a lot has happened in the past week...the biggest and the worst being the Air Race in Abu Dhabi.
This is how it went:

7:00 - arrived college with Abhi, Ankur and Zafar. Just one hour early.
~7:40 - people started to arrive. Well guess what the bus was late! But that was expected...it was after all Mahi Manipals bus. So what we did while we waited is not obvious at all. We drove and drove and drove in our friends cars. It was fun...driving in the not-so-big college grounds.
8:00 - The bus finally arrived. And guess what we did! Well we all boarded the bus...(i know its lame. Dont make it obvious). And while in the bus we had the best time. We played antakshari, dumb charades (or however u spell it).
~11:00 – we finally arrived at AD international airport. Well the race was actually near the corniche but we thought that the pit walk is at the airport. What we found out that this was not the case at all! And then we moved on till we arrived at the corniche...and guess what we found out! The pit walk is till 11: 30 and you have to pay 130 bucks for it. My ass! It was then when we decided to go to Marina Mall and just chill out until the race starts at bout 1:30.
~11:25 – we were at Marina Mall. First things first we decided a re-meeting spot. We would be at that place at 12.45. Before I could even realize, all the girls had left me alone. SAD! Not really thoug. Being with guyz is actually fun. So I roames around the place with the guys and what better place to meet up with the other girls than at the food court. And we did. I got a Burger King 'Whopper'...love that thing man...but but but....Subways are always the first priority! And so after that we all met up in the meeting spot
~1:05 – we headed towards the corniche and found a place before the race could start. We did but not a comfortable one though! My ass started hurting after sitting on those bloody rocks for hours. The race got postponed by about 2 hrs or so and by that time I had totally lost my stamina. Me and my three other friends left the place to chill in the mall.
~ 3:00 – we entered the mall. It felt heavenish. But at that same time the race started. DAMN! But I had no power to go back at all. So we waited and waited and waited in the FOOD COURT!
~ 4:00 – got a phone call that the bus has arrived and then we headed back towards the college. Now whilst goin back we had fun again. We played songs and sang along. Then told each other corny stories and asked riddles and while we did that something was going on in the last seat *ahem ahem*. And then we told our own real life stories and then what better to tell ghost stories when its totally dark.
~7:00 – we arrived back at the college and went back home.

P.S: dont you think i need better titles????

0 Entity's Rambled