as you guys know i had a drving test. guess what happened? I FAILED! damn. i cried like hell after that. i couldnt belive it. she failed me for now reason whatsoever.

seriously the things she marked on my paper. cant believe it. RIGHT TURN WORNG. NOT CHECKING THE MIRROR. NO SHOULDER CHECK. NOT MAINTAINING SAFE DISTANCE (though u could fit a whole car in there easily).

dude. that was crazy. plus she just WOULDNT move her feet from the break. its like they were stuck to each other with glue. got damn her! i could have passed EASILY! i hate her..i hate her...i hate her. thats it.bye

2 Entity's Rambled
  1. Anonymous Said,

    u know hunyum

    If u have a problem don't say "hey i have a big problem" rather say "problem... i have a big GOD."

    I think that wud be better...

    wt do u say?...

    Posted on March 1, 2008 at 8:01 p.m.

  2. Emoxaph Said,

    what do u xactly mean by dat?

    Posted on March 1, 2008 at 11:49 p.m.