As it seems to have turned out, God doesn't want to see me blissful and excited. Why? Here it goes...

Yesterday, my freakin stupid driver said his car has broken down and he can't come. Wohoo! 4 days before exams his car breaks down. And then i had to come to my university in a cab, which was a total nuisance. So after about two hours of soaking in the damn heat i rached the university.

Soon it ws time to attend my Programming class. I thought i would give this class my full concentration. Alas! I could not do it. Two very main reasons:

1]Hershey (the king of kings) didnot let me concentrate. Its his story. I couldn't get over the story. I HAD to read it! (Hershey if i get less marks, you're gone)

2]The class itself. It was a drudging class. I wanted to kill myself. It felt as though the fire stones of hell are falling on my brain and at the same time the devil is billowing at me. It was horribly horrible.

And then it was the Mechanics of Flight class. Well i knew he wasnt going to teach anything but i still went. Good that i went. well it was also bad that i went. i god my test marks. had an 80% in it...i was expecting much more! Although 80% is not that bad.

Thank God my driver came in the evening. He had a Nissan Sunny...atleast its better than his old car. In his car, the AC refuses to work, the car refuses to take in petrol and the radio refuses to play FM channels.

So when i reached home, my pa gave me da biggest shock ever. Do you guys know who Roop Kumar Rathod is? No. He is an indian singer. Amazing singer. love his voice. His songs are so beutiful, soothing, harmonious etc...

My pa was calling me and by mistake he dialled Hum FM (FM music channel) number. Since my name and the channels name are stored above and below each other, he thought he was dialling me and he dialled the other ways. Roop Kumar is going to be here was a musical night with his wife. It's going to happen on the 16th. So by mistake pa won 4 tickets for the show. But unfortunately, i have an exam on the 17th! *Argh*.

Ok so i cant go. my ma and pa are going with there two friends. my sister will be at Sahara Center(a mall) watching 'Jhoom Barabar Jhoom', and ill be at home studying!

Above that i cant even watch IIFA Awards. Man everything seems to happen in the week when i have exams. Sometimes i wish the world would end at the moment...and i am wishing that now!

4 Entity's Rambled
  1. what does Hunyum mean??

    Posted on June 13, 2007 at 2:47 p.m.

  2. Emoxaph Said,

    well...hunyum means "take nething wid rite gud cheer' whole name has dat meaning...'Hunyum Murya'...its taken from da Qur'an

    Posted on June 13, 2007 at 5:43 p.m.

  3. Unknown Said,

    isn't it ironic that my exams have ended and yours have begun...

    lol...I love such irony..
    ok..i will leave now before you bash my head with a sledgehammer...

    Posted on June 17, 2007 at 5:55 a.m.

  4. Emoxaph Said,

    hah seriously hatin u rite now!

    Posted on June 17, 2007 at 8:50 a.m.